Document Scanning
In both the Public and Private sectors Electronic Document Storage has now become the standard format for document archiving. When it comes to converting significant volumes of paper, the easiest, and most cost effective option is often to outsource it to a professional company like Cosmo Graphis Imaging.
Large Format Scanning
Electronic storage of information is not confined purely to documents smaller than A3. Many organisations have realized the benefits of digitising large format plans and drawings for storage ,distribution and easy access.
Document Scanning Software
Cosmo Graphis Imaging Ltd have designed in-house their own document management retrieval software with the trade name CG Gold which comes in two versions, either client based CG Gold V10 or Web based using CG Web version 2.
Any Image Into any System
Cosmo Graphis Imaging Ltd’s Data Processing Centre can provide a secure solution for any customer’s requirements by a variety of delivery methods and formats.
Book and Newspaper Scanning
Cosmo Graphis Imaging Ltd have expertise in book scanning and archiving of newspapers. We employ the latest Bookeye 3 scanners to give the best possible results.